BASS Federation Nation Northern Divisional – Winneconne Chain – Practice Day 1

First off, I brought my laptop along intending to blog while I was there, but left my charger at home   Sorry for that, but I intend to bring you all up to speed quickly, but if you cannot wait, check out and look at the results under Federation Nation.

Ryan Brant & I got on the water at about 10:30am on Saturday morning.  My intention was to spend a day fishing the south end of the Wolf River and around Poygan and some of those lakes so that I would have water in that area if my partner took his time over there.

We started fishing the lower Wolf, we caught several short smallmouth and largemouth.  I did get one nice keeper largemouth on a black blue fleck tube on some eel grass near a cut. We then ventured out in to Poygan, we fished a cut on the north end and I got a keeper largemouth on a Stanley Ribbit using the new 4/0 Tru-Tungsten Hack Hook.  We got a couple more bites theres in the duck weed, but that was it.  We then headed to Willow Creek on the Southwest side of Poygan, the water looked awesome, we got one nice 3lb largie on a white 3/16oz Secret Weapon Lure Buzzbait and a 13 incher on the buzzbait as well.
White Shiner Buzzrbait
We ran some docks on the south side of Poygan, the bites were far & few between, but I did get two really nice fish including a fish close to 4lbs on a 4 dock stretch on the black tube.  That was the conclusion of our bites, we fished several more docks, some cane, some reeds, nothing else.  We fished until 7pm.  If you add up my 5 keeper bites, I had a very good day, probably 13-14lbs, but the bites were far apart and no apparent pattern.  Also, at this point, none of it was where I planned to spend the rest of my prefishing time.

It was a late night by the time we ate, had a team meeting and got settled into our rooms at the Park Plaza in Oshkosh.  3 more days to dial into a more solid pattern for the tournament.

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