This post is to help all your readers optimize your time spent here and get the most out of the Bassin’ Blog. So I am going to break down the different functions and options you have. Basically the Blog is broken in to 2 columns of information. On the right is are the listing of most recent posts and summaries. On the left (sidebar) there are a myriad of blocks of info and tools to help you get the info you are looking for.
Back to Main Page – link will get you back home no matter what area you are in.
Subscribe to Blog – place where you can enter email and you will get all new posts delivered to your inbox as soon as they are published. This is handy so that you do not have to remember to go out and look to see if new content is here, plus you will have the info before anyone else. You can also subscribe to individual topics and post if there is one you are particularly interested in, you will get all comments and updates.
Category Archives – I assign every post to at least one category, so that you can browse though these categories and find info quick, most are self explanatory. ‘Tournament Info’ is where I log all my practice and tournament days on the water ![](
Recent Comments – This displays the 10 most recent comments by other readers and myself, often I will add updated on comments to certain topics there, rather then creating a new post, plus I usually answer all questions left in a comment
Recent Entries – Browse most recent posts by title and date
Quicksearch – great way to look up a topic or word and see all the posts that contain that info. Lakes like Amistad, Guntersville, Minnetonka or Patoka…. Or maybe baits like Tru-Tungsten, Secret Weapon or Swim Jigs…. You need to keep in mind that there are over 190 posts and growing every day, most of the time you can only see the current month on the front page, there is a lot of info if you are willing to dig a little.
Google Ads – these are text ads based upon keyword matching, everytime you click on them I make a few cents, so feel free and help offset the costs of doing my blog and other websites. I’ve even been thinking about hiring an external company like Linear to help drive my blog even further to success and the more traffic I get, the more it will inspire me to keep pushing forward with my blog and goals. ![](
Monthly Archives – Browse by previous months, go back to January 2006 and see the humble beginnings of this Blog
BlogRoll Links – Other sites with good info that I like, check them out at your leisure
Syndicate This Blog – These are links for RSS (Real Simple Syndication) basiclly you can sign up using these links and content will be pushed to your Feed Reader, there are many and MyYahoo and MyMSN have them built in, if you are interested I can help you if you get stuck. Just another way to be on the cutting edge of getting information.
– if you see this symbol, it is a link to help you get RSS feeds setup through FeedBurner, click here and its falling down easy to get recent entries of the blog to show up on your MyYahoo or MyMSN home pages :0
Hope you find this helpful and just ask if you have questions.
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