Bass fishing related podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, wether anglers are downloading them to ipods, other MP3 player or just listening on their home or work computers, its an increasingly popular way for anglers to learn more about bass fishing and their favorite anglers
So in no particular order, here are the podcasts I like to listen to, take a listen and see what you think.
Armchair Anglers – Bo Crawford (you may have read some of his stuff on and Clint do a great job, covering tournament bass fishing and other hard hitting topics like the Gulf oil Spill. My only complaint is I only get one new episode a month.
Bass Fishing in the Midwest – Fortunately John Haynes’ interview skills are better than his fishing skills, he would admit to this as well. It would be good if there was a little consistency from this show, guess I just need to keep a good eye on my iTunes account for new episodes. Oh yea, closed circuit to MIckey, speak up next time!
Tournament Fishing Radio – Kory & Eric are based out of Missouri, they have a nice mix of national and local bass fishing coverage, but I do think they like swimming grubs a little too much 
So take a listen to my favorite episode with Gues Mark Zona
And also are most recent episode about how to catch fish now on Mississippi River Pool 2!
Twin City Limits – Okay, so I am co-host of Twim City Limits, but take a listen, I am pretty sure you will like it. You will learn to laugh at Lazy Ikes fantasy bass fishing picks as well and now that bass fishing is heating up in MN, lots more local tournament info and fishing tips. Catch us on iTunes as well, if that is your thing.
Ultimate Bass Radio – I have only listened a little bit, decent show, just a little too west coast for me to really get into it, but I am sure some of my readers are West Side as well!
Bass Zone Radio – Mark Jeffreys know bass fishing, they always have top level pros as guests and they don’t take themselves too seriously.
Blackwater Bassin – Ken does a nice job, ecspecially if you are interested in the upper Mississippi River bass tournament fishing scene.
Well, that is my short list, if you got some recommendations leave a comment!