Hey All:
This entry has a two-fold purpose. Its a wish list for myself as my birthday and christmas is right around the corner and at the same time its serves as good reference for anyone shopping for the sportsman in their life.
#1. Good RainGear – I would like to get this in the Jacket and Bib, I found out the hard way down at Patoka that my raingear had outlived is usefulness.
Shimano Symetre 2500 Front Drag This is a necessity if you are planning to start dabbling with Flourocarbon lines. 2000 size and smaller reels, just cause problems with flourocarbon.
Shimano Castaic SF, in my opinion this is the finest pitchin’ & flippin’ reel made and I don’t believe they make it anymore, I would like to get a couple more while they are still available.
Reel Grip Handle Grips – these are a great little perk for someone who already has a ton of fishing stuff. Makes the real grips a little more comfortable and easier to grip when wet. Great stocking stuffer for a few reals. They come in a ton of color schemes, from Camo, blue, red and even Pink!!
XTools Grip N Weigh Electronic Scale – as far as I can tell, this is the best bargain for scales. Very durable, waterproof and it even floats. I am in serious need of a good scale……
Gambler Cane Toad – these are great little lures and must for any serious anglers tackle box. I think the Cane Toad is the best of the best when it comes to swimming toads. Better than the Zoom Ultravibe Horny Toad, Stanley Ribbit Frog, Yum Buzz Frog and all the rest.
#7. Bass Pro Shops Lure Wraps
– great necessity for any time you have a lure with treble hooks tied on. Protects against tangles, snags in your carpet and especially your seats. In the long run, it’s a time saver and a safety thing. If you are a non-boater, this will save you from being the guy who snags a seat in your boater’s brand new bass boat 

#8. Gift Cards to a local sporting goods store or one of the great online store likes LandBigFish.com or Basspro.com. They can always find something they need with a nice Gift Card. They will appreciate a gift card over something they do not need.
#9. Under Amor Cold Gear – This would be great for those early spring and late fall outings, some matching leggings would be beneficial as well. XL tops and L bottoms.
Power Pro Braided Line – it seems as though they have come with a new ‘Phantom Red’ product. I would really like to try this line in some 40#, 50# & 65#. I am a big fan of Cajun Red Lightning Line, so this is a logical step for me.
I may add to this list, so check back. Also I’ll add a few other small items here on the bottom.
Sudoko Puzzle Book – Travel a lot and its a good distraction on the plane or in the passenger seat.
Minnesota Vikings Visor – I need a good Vikings Visor to sport on Sundays
Bass Fishing DVD’s – always a good bet
Bass Fishing Wall Calender 2007
Rich’s Bassin’ Forum
Bass Fishing Tackle Blog
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