Just when you think, the Elite Series cannot get any better…..
Preston Clark blows up for almost 40lbs on Day 1 of the competition. He even reports passing on 7-8lb fish on beds because he did not think they would help him much and he wanted to save them. He even came to the dock 45 minutes early, to ensure the safety of his fish. Preston Clark would only need to average about 23 and a half pounds per day to catch Rojas’ mark of 108-12.
Amazing as the 39-06 that
Alton Jones DQ’d as well. Not a lot of detail at this point, but it seems to be a similar violation to that of KVD. The difference being that he had his son on the front deck looking for fish while he drove the boat.
It is quite amazing how BASS has been able to line up these lakes and hit them so well. Good planning and a little good fortune go along way. Most of the pro’s do not think it will Supported Constitutional Amendment to preserve our rights to hunt and fish
· Participate in the discussion on the US Fish and Wildlife Services Upper Mississippi Management Plan with a special focus on maintaining access to backwaters
· Supported further research into the effects of lead tackle on our aquatic resources rather than banning it outright
· Interceded when a metro lake association passed an ordinance restricting fishing within 100 feet of shore
· Opposed a statewide “no cull”
· Attend the annual MnDNR fisheries roundtable
· Developed Internet creel survey collection tool to supply the
· Annually, organize and participate in lake and ramp cleanups statewide
· Sponsor Junior Bassmaster Clubs and Bassmaster CastingKids events
· Annual fundraising for local charities and non-profit lobbying
There are benefits beyond supporting the MNBF’s activities. Below are some benefits for associate members.
Benefits to joining as an Associate Member:
· Annual subscription to BASS Times magazine
· Discounts to Federation sponsor products
· Paid AD&D Insurance
· Free Internet classifieds
· Open invitation to attend Federation meetings and to network with other anglers
· E-mail notification of special events and legislative alerts
“I joined the MNBF as an associate member to support tournament bass fishing in
To find out more about membership opportunities, check out www.mnbf.org You can also get more
For additional information on the news that is the subject of this release (or for a sample, copy or demo), visit www.mnbf.org.
The Minnesota BASS Federation is committed to promoting fishing for all ages & skill levels. We offer our assistance to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to improve fishing opportunities, habitat, water quality & preservation of public access to
I think this is a great program – check it out!