Well, due to me missing half my tournament last week because of work related travel, I got to leave early on Friday. Drove up to Fifty Lakes, messed with my tackle and spooled some new reels I recently got and was on the lake a little before 4pm. The campground was just minutes from Big Trout, so I decided to practice there for a couple hours since it was so late in the day. I started on a sharp point that I had caught good fish in a previous State TOC, plus I really wanted to try out my brand new Crucial Drop Shot Rod that was paired with a 2500 Stradic Mg (What a SWEET Setup!). I drop shotted a few dinks & small keepers on a little 4″ Chompers worm. Then I checked a few docks with a Paca Craw, plenty of fish, but not great size. Then I checked a weed turn, small keepers on a 4″ jig worm. I then found a hump that I started fan casting with a Parrot DT6 and it was unbelievable to say the least. 2-3.5lb fish and at one time I had two on at the same time, they also were willing to come up for a Bone colored Vixen. Left there pretty quickly, checked one more spot, caught some keepers on the DT6 and called it a night.
The next morning, I wanted to see if those bigger fish were still there, made one cast with a Bluegill Vixen and I got my answer So I spent the majority of the day on Main Lake Whitefish checking old coontail areas and docks. Found plenty of fish but nothing like the size in Trout on the hump. I even caught some fish on a frog in the duckweed, but most of my fish came on the DT6, 8” Lake Fork Worm or my Tru-Tungsten Jigs. It was about 2pm, and on the way back I decided to check my hump in the high sun, since I had only fished it during low light to this point. I made about 5 casts with my DT6, my rod loaded up, I pulled the fish to the surface and I let about 3.5lb fish toss my crank and I put her on the trailer in anticipation of tomorrow
I drew boat #5 at the pairings meeting and was stoked that I had nearly no worries about being the first one there. I spent the rest of the night getting my tackle organized and tied up. I had not felt this confident since Pokegama last year….. Check back tomorrow for the rest of the story.
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