Congratulations to Mychal Boerman from CA, he was the 5th highest scoring member of my Bassin’ Blog group for FLW Fantasy Fishing at the Lake Norman event. Our top 3 guys won some nice FLW prizes and the #4 guy never returned my emails. Sometimes it pays to pay attention!
Brief email interview with Mychal and this is what he had to say on his strategy:
“I made my picks by utilizing the tools from FLW’s Player’s Advantage. I tried to cross reference the local finder, the post practice rankings, fantasy trends, and lake/angler matchups in order to pick who I thought would finish in the top ten. I also picked Bennett and Ehrler because I know that my fellow Californians are generally awesome sight fishermen. The rest was just up to the fishing gods!”
For Mychal’s efforts, he has won a bag of Tru-Tungsten finesse worms, should be great for catching Cali’s clear water bass!!
Thanks to Tru-Tungsten for helping out with the prizes. I should have my Beaver Lake Fantasy Line-up posted tomorrow!

Its not too late to join my group, prizes will be awarded at every tournament and year end.
Best regards,
The Commissioner
Rich’s Bassin’ Forum
Bass Fishing Tackle Blog