Right now the Basstrix Paddle Tail Tube is the hottest thing around and hardly anyone can get their hands on any, I have heard they are going for $20 a pack on eBay right now. If you have not seen them, this is what they look like. Some online retailers carry them, but nearly all of them are backordered and are not taking new orders. I posted some of this info on my Tackle Blog, but this just seemend like too hot of a topic to just post in one place We were in need of a good ol’ fashion product review to break up the coverage of all my tourney write ups.

First off, is the Money Lures Money Minnow, when I first saw it, I thought it was a BassTrix minnow. I am planning on ordering some of these for my trip to Clarks Hill Check out the description and images below.

Next on the list, Poor Boy’s Baits Silly Rabbit
Last but not least……. Looks a bit different, but is also the cheapest and most affordable and made by a company that makes great baits in general……..
Reaction Innovations Skinny Dipper Series New from RI, these shad style swimbaits feature the beaver style rib pattern on the back, and has a slit in the belly for the hook. The single paddle tail is 3/4″ wide, which creates lots of action, water splashing and noise as you retrieve this bait.
Well for all of you that cannot get your hands on the BassTrix baits, I hope this helps you get your fix until production catches up with demand.
Tight Lines,
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