Late Season Smallmouth Outing Folied

Disclaimer:  This is a rant/venting post.  Feel free to keep browsing.

Got up early to head out to the river for some open water smallmouth fishing this morning.  Halfway there my plan was foiled by some guy without a drivers license or insurance who obviously had now clue how to drive.  He was out of control and side swiped me and pushed me into the middle barricade on I-94.  Some justice served as he was cuffed and stuffed and his car hauled away.

So quickly visions of jumbo winter smallies were dashed and now having to get by with one car during the holidays and filing claims for repairs became the reality.  Also even if we get some warm weather during my time off during the holidays, I likely will have no mode of transportation to go fishing

I feel better now, Merry Christmas & Best Wished to all!